Takeuchi Software LLC

Corporate Bond(2020-04) Subscription


Date Events
until 2020/4/19 The customer will send a subcsription email to us.
2020/4/20 We will send an acceptance or refusal email to the customer.
until 2020/5/1 The customer who received the acceptance email will pay the bond amount into our bank account.
early in 2020/5 We will send an email with the bond certificate to the customer.
2020/10/30 We will pay the interest(Private Customer: 11,952 yen/bond, Corporate Customer: 15,000 yen/bond) into the customer's bank account.(No.1)
from 2021/4/30 to 2024/10/31 We will pay the interest(Private Customer: 11,952 yen/bond, Corporate Customer: 15,000 yen/bond) into the customer's bank account.(No.2-No.9)
2025/4/30 We will pay the interest(Private Customer: 11,952 yen/bond, Corporate Customer: 15,000 yen/bond)(No.10) and repay the bond amount into the customer's bank account.

2.Writing a subcription email

Please click the link below, then the subscription email window will open.

Subscription Email

(1)You will see the letters "bond-2020-04-subscription" in the subject line.

(2)Write items below in the body lines

  1. "Personal" or "Corporate"
  2. Customer's Name
  3. Customer's Address
  4. Customer's Email Address
  5. Customer's Telephone Number (for emergency)
  6. Customer's Bank Account Number (which we will pay into)
  7. The number of bonds which Customer will desire
  8. Corporate Number (only for Corporate Customers)

(3)Please send the email from the subscription email window.

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