Date | Events |
until 2020/4/19 | The customer will send a subcsription email to us. |
2020/4/20 | We will send an acceptance or refusal email to the customer. |
until 2020/5/1 | The customer who received the acceptance email will pay the bond amount into our bank account. |
early in 2020/5 | We will send an email with the bond certificate to the customer. |
2020/10/30 | We will pay the interest(Private Customer: 11,952 yen/bond, Corporate Customer: 15,000 yen/bond) into the customer's bank account.(No.1) |
from 2021/4/30 to 2024/10/31 | We will pay the interest(Private Customer: 11,952 yen/bond, Corporate Customer: 15,000 yen/bond) into the customer's bank account.(No.2-No.9) |
2025/4/30 | We will pay the interest(Private Customer: 11,952 yen/bond, Corporate Customer: 15,000 yen/bond)(No.10) and repay the bond amount into the customer's bank account. |
Please click the link below, then the subscription email window will open.
Subscription Email(1)You will see the letters "bond-2020-04-subscription" in the subject line.
(2)Write items below in the body lines
(3)Please send the email from the subscription email window.
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